Off The Rooftop Challenge Replays

Day 1: God's Design For Sex - Matt Cline Day 2: The Addiction Cycle - Matt Cline Day 3: Heart Transformation - Chris Frost Day 4: Taking Fantasies Captive - Matt Cline Day 5: Healing In Community - Nate Larkin Day 6: Six Reasons We Stumble - Doug Weiss Day 7: Inside The Porn Industry - Brittni De La Mora Day 8a: Healing From Trauma - Ted and Diane Roberts Day 8b: Winning The Mental Game - Grant Mullen Day 9: Breaking Free From Soul Ties - Cole Zick Day 10: Spiritual Pathways - Neil Josephson Day 11: How Porn Affects Purpose - Kirk Giles Day 12a: The Attitude Of Christ - Matt Cline Day 12b: The Attitude Of Christ - Matt Cline Day 13: Powerful Accountability - Rick Thomson Day 14: Leadership Development - Matt Cline Rick Thomson's Testimony

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