"I've learned the apologetics of getting free from porn. I've learned to fall in love with Jesus and it's helped me experience true freedom. This journey is insanely crazy. I love it!"

Eaglemont Christian Church | Beaumont, Alberta


Pastor, your people are suffering and we know you want to help.

Pure Freedom Journey helps you help your people get the lasting freedom Jesus paid for.

Pure Freedom Journey gives you the expertise to help you guide your people to true heart transformation and mind renewal.

Focusing on quitting sexual sin in the pursuit of freedom will never lead to freedom. Focusing on the brokenness that sexual sin highlights will change a person's life forever.

Here is some of what sexual sin highlights:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Secret fantasies
  • Resistance to God's love
  • Victim mentalities
  • Self-hatred
  • Lack of connection with others
  • Lack of intimacy with Jesus
  • ...and more

Pure Freedom Journey makes it easy for you.

The PFJ training videos will offer the expertise your people need to understand why they've given their life to sexual bondage for so long, and more importantly, how to get restored to living out their God-given identity.

Your church can provide a facilitator and give each participant their own access to the resources.

The combination of a facilitator and world-class expertise in a group setting will give your people everything they need to break free of sexual bondage forever!


Community Night live teaching and Q&A every 1st Friday of the month (Zoom)

Power Hour prayer call every 3rd Friday of the month (Zoom)

Bonus guest interviews and trainings

"Been free from porn for the longest time in years. Shh don't tell satan."

Barry Hunipok
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

"I have been doing good with porn and have stayed sober from it for almost 2 months now. I was tempted pretty heavily, but I had applied some of the teaching that I have gotten from you guys and it worked!"

Jeremy Milligan
South Carolina, USA

"Since connecting with other men who admit they have a porn addiction - and admit they canโ€™t solve it alone - I have acknowledged how harmful it has been to all my relationships, especially God. God is so patient, & Heโ€™s teaching me self-control. I am becoming a brand new man. JOIN NOW!"

Dalton Harrisgreen
London, Ontario, Canada

"52 days since I acted out with porn. I'm so glad you started this. It's given me my life and my marriage back. My wife is happier. She's afraid my change isn't permanent but I've told her and our psychologist that I now have tools that I've never had before."

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Once your church has a Pure Freedom Journey account, you have it forever. This means you can use it for as many small groups or semesters as you need at no extra cost.



  • 52 Expert training videos
  • Freedom Steps with each training
  • Bonus trainings & interviews
  • A registration link for each participant in your church

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, men's and women's groups utilize Pure Freedom Journey.

Absolutely. Some church small groups meet year-round and some start and stop depending on the time of the year or semester that they're in. You can run PFJ for however long your groups run.

If individuals want to continue working through the training on their own, they can do so because they'll have their own account online, rather than the church having one DVD set that has to be passed around from house to house.

The lessons are in a specific order, but individuals can join any time to take advantage of the community and accountability. It would be best if they went through the work starting at Week 1 while staying current with where the group is currently at as well.

There are situations where someone may need more personal attention. In these cases, you can refer them to schedule a 30-minute call with one of our coaches here to inquire about further support options.

Please use the Contact Form  to ask any question that you have.


50% Complete

Two Step

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