Are you suffering from the pain of betrayal?
🛑 Pornography
🛑 Infidelity
🛑 An emotional affair
🛑 Secrets and lies
All of these betrayals can devastate a marriage and have a long-lasting affect on everyone involved.
For the betrayed spouse, you might feel like your whole marriage has been a lie. Maybe you feel like you don't even know the person you married. Beyond the violation of trust, your sense of safety, self-worth, and the dreams you had were all shattered in an instant.
For the offending spouse, you might not trust yourself even though you desperately want to transform into the kind of person that won't touch sexual sin again. You want to rebuild your marriage, but don't know how to navigate the deep pain that your spouse feels.
There is safety in leaning on wise counsel.
You can receive coaching from those who have walked through the journey you're on - and came out the other side with a trust and intimacy that exceeds anything they had prior to exposure.
You can get support on this journey so you can experience the depth of healing that only Christ can provide.
You are not alone. Healing is possible. Jesus can redeem your story.