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Lead your people from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ.



Sexually Healthy Man Workshop

Your men will get a deep dive on what it looks like to have healthy sexuality.

They will learn:

  • The sacred purpose of their body
  • The impact of their sexual development
  • What fantasies reveal
  • How to receive God’s grace for sexual sin
  • And more...

Estimated timeline: 2.5 hours

Feedback from a past workshop:

"Thanks for making us think differently. I've never heard this stuff!"

Men’s Breakfast

Your men will get equipped to live as more than conquerors in their sexuality.

They will learn:

  • How God’s design for sex can enhance their covenant relationship with Him
  • How to overcome porn
  • How to make a difference in this sexualized world
  • And more...

Estimated timeline: 30-40 minutes

Feedback from a past breakfast:

"Nailed it. It is so powerful how you bring Jesus into our sexuality."

Young Adults Night

Young adults are usually moving into building marriages and families with a broken perception of sexuality. Guidance with sexuality is vital at their stage of life.

Your young adults will learn about:

  • The power of their testimony
  • Honoring God with their sexuality whether single or married
  • The connection between their heart and their behavior
  • God’s desire for them and their sex drive

Estimated timeline: 30-45 minutes

Feedback from a past Young Adult Night:

"That was awesome! It was the first time in my life where the speaker has just gone for it in talking about porn in church - and it was so full of hope with no guilt or condemnation at all."

Youth Night

The average age of first exposure to porn is between 8-11 years old. Many have had sexually explorative experiences with friends or siblings.

By the time children have reached Grades 7-9, it’s essential that we disciple them through this sexualized world.

Your youth will learn about:

  • The value of God’s call for sex to be in marriage
  • What to do with romantic desires as a teenager
  • How to confidently keep convictions amidst peer pressure
  • The dark side of the porn industry
  • And more...

Estimated timeline: 30 minutes + Q&A 

Feedback from a past Youth Night:

"Every 12-year-old in my girls group admitted to being inappropriately touched by boys after this talk. We need to talk about this more."


NOTE: We highly recommend doing Youth Nights in combination with the Parenting in a Sexualized World workshop within one week of each other to start the conversation from both sides at home.

Parenting in a Sexualized World

Parents are the most important influence on a child’s view of sexuality.

Parents and grandparents will learn how to:

  • Have age appropriate conversations with children starting at two years old
  • Create a safe culture of openness in their home
  • Talk about sex without shame
  • Be vulnerable
  • Set their kids up to win with devices

Estimated timeline: 120 minutes

Feedback from a past workshop:

"I came with questions about how to talk to my 8-year-old son and now I have the answers. Thank you!"

Staff Training

Pastors are one of the first options that come to mind when a church member needs help with sexual sin, but many feel ill-equipped to handle sexual sin.

Your staff will learn to:

  • Effectively talk about sex and porn in both group and 1:1 settings
  • Respond to private confessions of sexual sin
  • Understand the underlying reasons for the sin
  • Protecting your staff from sexual sin and the burden of people’s confessions
  • And more...

Estimated timeline: 90 minutes

Feedback from a past Staff Training:

"I wish this was recorded. So much helpful information here that we can take into our church."

Sunday Services

  • Preaching
  • 5-10 minute outreach presentations with a testimony and information on what Restored is about, how people can get help, and how people can join the mission of restoring Biblical sexuality

Feedback after a past sermon:

"I haven't had the slightest thought of going back to my porn addiction in the three weeks since you preached at my church. I don't know what happened, but the Holy Spirit moved powerfully that morning!"

Weekend Events

These are two options to give an idea of what weekends with Restored Ministries can look like, but we will always be flexible based on what your church needs.


Sexual Health Summit

For one audience. Either men and women or just men.

Sexual Health Summits are powerful events that lead men and women into grace-fuelled journeys of
restoring Godly sexuality into their lives. These summits are not just about changing behaviors, but also
transforming hearts, minds, and bodies in agreement with 1 Thessalonians 5:23.


  • 7:00 - 8:30: Body, Sex, and Covenant


  • 9:00 - 10:00: Your Sexual Story
  • 10:15 - 11:15: Healing the Heart
  • 11:15 - 12:30: Lunch
  • 12:30 - 1:30: Renewing the Mind
  • 1:45 - 2:45: Refreshing the Spirit



  • Church service: More Than Conquerors in a Sexualized World


Unique events for specific audiences

  • Thursday night: Parenting in a Sexualized World
  • Friday afternoon: Staff Training
  • Friday night: Youth or Young Adults Night
  • Saturday morning men's breakfast: Sexually Healthy Man Workshop
  • Saturday afternoon: Two sessions for men and women over 16 on God's Design for Sex & Healing From Our Past
  • Sunday service: Responding to the Epidemic of Perverted Sexuality











Val Bruyere, FamilyLife Canada in Ottawa, Ontario:

"Recommend hands down! We just completed our first Sexual Health Summit with Matt leading 4 sessions (i.e. young adults, parenting, leaders and general), and every one was impressed and amazed at his knowledge, compassion and teaching. Matt has received a special gifting and he is using his experience and calling so well to help others. We are looking at doing an extended church leader event for Ottawa, since every leader should take part in this so that they can help their church members."

See Restored Ministries' Event Calendar

Weekend Events

These are two options to give an idea of what weekends with Restored Ministries can look like,
but there is a lot of flexibility as each church does things slightly differently.

Option 1 - Sexual Health Summit

For one audience. Either men and women or just men.

Sexual Health Summits are powerful events that lead men and women into grace-fuelled journeys of
restoring Godly sexuality into their lives. These summits are not just about changing behaviors, but also
transforming hearts, minds, and bodies in agreement with 1 Thessalonians 5:23.


  • 7:00 - 8:30: Body, Sex, and Covenant


  • 9:00 - 10:00 : Freeing the Soul
  • 10:15 - 11:15 : Healing the Heart
  • 11:15 - 12:30 : Lunch
  • 12:30 - 1:30 : Renewing the Mind
  • 1:45-2:45 : Refreshing the Spirit



  • Church service: More Than Conquerors in a Sexualized World

Option 2 - Unique events for various demographics

  • Thursday night: Parenting in a Sexualized World
  • Friday afternoon: Staff Training
  • Friday night: Youth or Young Adults Night
  • Saturday morning men's breakfast: Sexually Healthy Man Workshop
  • Saturday afternoon: Two sessions for everyone on God's Design for Sex & Healing From Our Past
  • Sunday service: Responding to the Epidemic of Perverted Sexuality
See list of Upcoming Restored Ministries' Events

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Interested in hosting an event?

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